Thursday, 11 June 2009


Wednesday 17th June 2009 , 6:30pm at the Circle Club, Manchester.

Chaired by BYRON EVANS, Presenter, Writer and Broadcaster

PHIL LEWIS head of marketing and social media at Winning Pitch. worked on integrated marketing campaigns for blue-chip clients including Sainsbury’s, Barclays Bank, Lend Lease, Coca-Cola, Christian Aid, Greenpeace and RNIB

STEVE DOWNES has been in marketing and advertising for 25 years and is founder and MD of Juice Digital, one of the leading Social Media Marketing agencies in the region

TOM CHEESEWRIGHT strategy director at and digital. Clients include BT, Orange, HP, IBM. Tom is also the technology expert for BBC Radio Manchester


Twitter, Second life, Bebo, Facebook, Myspace, Blogging… the way we interact and the way we use the internet is changing drastically. There has been criticisms in the past that Facebook and Second Life are barriers against ‘real’ face to face interaction. Is this true or does it aid in making and maintaining relationships? Is there a naivety about putting loads of personal information up on the internet? Lots of companies feel that it is a threat to their working practices such as use of social media in work time or blogging about work but can social media actually help businesses? Join our expert panel over supper as we find out…

Why has it become such a phenomenon?
What about privacy?
Us e in work time?
Can Social Media really be used for business?
How are consumers reacting to this?

1 comment:

  1. TOM CHEESEWRIGHT strategy free instagram followers and likes director at and digital. Clients include BT, Orange, HP, IBM. Tom is also the technology expert for BBC Radio Manchester
